Who's that meant to be? Justin Bieber unveils his Madame Tussauds waxwork... but it looks NOTHING like him

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By Sarah Bull

Who's that meant to be? Justin Bieber looks delighted with his waxwork at Madame Tussauds in London, despite the fact the model only bears a slight resemblance to the teen idol

They got his famous 'Bieber bob' haircut right, but that's about it.

When Justin Bieber's waxwork was unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London today, fans were left stunned by just how unrealistic the model was.

But 17-year-old Bieber didn't seem to mind, grinning widely as he posed next to the waxwork alongside his mother Pattie and labelling it 'awesome'.

Spot the difference: Bieber labelled the waxwork 'awesome' and admitted it was funny to see how much he has grown in eight months

He said: 'It’s pretty incredible to see. I’m taller but this was a point in time. It looks awesome, thanks very much.'

The pop star asked his mother to come up on stage, saying to her: 'It [the sculpture] doesn't have any facial hair.'

He then gave the wax work a hug, but refused to kiss it in front of photographers.
He later added: 'I'm just taking him home with me!'

Bieber worked closely with the team who created his waxwork, giving sittings in New York last year. And stylists teamed up with Bieber's personal hair stylist to ensure his once legendary hairstyle was the exact replica of the original cut.

But after turning 17 two weeks ago, the star - much to the dismay of fans - now wears a shorter, more textured cut.

Which one's which? But Bieber's mother Pattie didn't seem to have any trouble differentiating between her son and his waxwork

Your eyes are similar: Pattie picks out the areas the model makers got right during the making of the waxwork

He chopped off his signature swoop last month and it was reported that the pop star lost thousands of followers on Twitter.

However, the hordes of fans who had queued for hours in the hope of catching a glimpse of the teen idol weren't disappointed, belting out earsplitting screams when Bieber took to the stage.

Grace Magraff, 14, from Surrey, squealed: 'I cannot believe I am in the same room as Justin and his figure is amazing. I don’t want to leave; I just want to stay by his figure forever!

'It’s brilliant, just like him. I love it!'

It's widely acknowledged that when a celebrity is given the honour of having a waxwork made, it is a sign that they have 'made it'.

I'm a Belieber! Hordes of fans gathered to see the waxwork of Bieber which was unveiled in New York today

Which one's better? Bieber waxworks were unveiled in London (left), New York and Amsterdam today. While the London and Amsterdam models are exact replicas, the New York model (right) wears an outfit personally donated by Bieber

And Liz Edwards, PR Manager at the London attraction said there had been frequent requests for a Bieber model to be added to the collection of famous faces.

She said: 'The interest in Justin’s figure has been truly phenomenal. We were absolutely inundated with requests from young fans to include him and since we announced that we were indeed making his figure we’ve been besieged by beliebers wanting to know when they can come and see him here.

'We’re sure they will be as pleased with the final results as Justin seems to be today.'

The great escape: Bieber makes a quick dash to his car after signing some autographs for fans outside his London hotel

Where is he? Groups of girls waited eagerly outside the hotel to catch a glimpse of the Never Say Never star

The unveiling was broadcast live for the first time in the museum's history on a special website revealed by Bieber on the Twitter website earlier in the day.

Replicas of the teenager were simultaneously unveiled at Tussauds attractions in Amsterdam and New York.

The London and Amsterdam models are identical but the New York wax work wears an outfit donated by the star.

The sculpture of the singer will join the likes of Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse and Justin Timberlake in the interactive music zone at Madame Tussauds in London.

Justin Bieber - Wax Figure in Museum Madame Tussauds
