Wednesday, February 29, 2012
11:13 PM
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By Nadia Mendoza
Some ladies waste a lifetime waiting for Prince Charming to propose with rose petals and diamonds.
But Lisa Maxwell has bitten the bullet by popping the question to her partner Paul Jessup.
The Bill star, who played DI Samantha Nixon in the ITV1 drama between 2002 and 2009, honoured the leap year tradition when every fours years the female is meant to get down on one knee.

Brave! Lisa Maxwell proposed to Paul Jessup last night, revealing she popped the question in her 'jimjmas'
The television presenter, 48, has never married and so it will be her first time down the aisle.
However, it's about time she says 'I do', with Lisa and sculptor Paul having been together since 1997.
The couple have one child together, their daughter Beau, 12, who was born in October 1999.
A nervous looking Lisa was egged on by co-hosts Andrea McLean, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald as she punched the air in victory after revealing the news in front of the ITV1 cameras.
Lisa actually proposed last night in the privacy of their own home, while still wearing her pyjamas.
Relocating to the Cotswolds: Lisa and Paul have just moved into a new house
She said: 'It's something we've talked about, but we haven't really had a proposal. And I thought I'd say to him, once and for all, 'Will you marry me?' And he said, 'Of course I will Nobby!'"
The petite blonde continued: 'Unfortunately I wanted to try and get a picture of the moment I proposed, but I was in my jimjams and we were in bed. Well I wasn't even in my jimjams!'
Lisa gushed: 'I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him. If you're watching sweetheart - you mean the world to me and I'm so happy. I didn't realise I would be, but there you go.'
Explaining the build up to her proposal, Lisa said: 'For the last couple of weeks I've been joking with Paul (about February 29)... And he was like, "Yeah, very funny. Haha," and just ignored it.
Long term partners: Lisa and Paul have been together for 15 years, having daughter Beau in October 1999
'I've been sniffing around him for a couple of weeks, as you do. So yesterday, and he knew I was thinking of maybe doing something, and maybe not doing something, because things are fantastic in our relationship. Fifteen years in June, we've been there, seen it, done it.
'We've got a beautiful daughter. There are no surprises. We've just moved to the Cotswolds and we've bought a house and we've done it up, and it will be the last house we ever live in.
'So we kind of know where our lives are going and there seemed very little reason to change that.
'But the fact that we knew where our lives were going, I was thinking "Well, what's the big surprise? The only thing that we don't have is marriage." So yesterday, I proposed to Paul.
'We were in bed at the time and I'd spent all day trying to get it right and all day trying to be a really lovely girlfriend because you don't want to have a row the day you're going to ask that big question.'

Egging her on: Lisa was surrounded by co-hosts Andrea McLean, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald
Natalia Goleniowski almost died when she was born and had to have open heart surgery when she was two years old
By Alison Smith-squire
With a smile to melt the hardest heart, it’s not surprising little Natalia Goleniowski is taking the modelling world by storm.
But what is amazing is Natalia, 5 – who goes by the name of Natty – has Downs Syndrome.
When she was born she almost died. Her parents feared she might never learn to walk or talk properly. And aged two she battled with pneumonia and heart surgery.

Adorable model: Natalia Goleniowski, 5, was spotted by a photographer when on holiday in Jamaica
Yet she has now been signed up to model the clothes for two prestigious children’s clothes companies.
And as well as wowing the modelling world – other companies are also queuing up to feature Natalia in their campaigns - she has started school and is learning to read.
'When Natty was born we didn’t know if she would live, let alone if she would walk or talk properly. So this is a dream come true,' said proud mum Hayley Goleniowski 42, last night. 'But everywhere we go people stop me to say what a gorgeous little girl Natty is. And she just adores being in front of the camera.'
Babywear company JoJo Maman Bebe agrees. 'When we saw Natalia’s photos we were bowled over by how pretty she was,' said spokeswoman Alice Treharne, 'and we think she will be perfect to model clothes for our 2012 Autumn catalogue.'
It’s a world away from the day Natalia – nicknamed Natty - was born.
Full-time mum Hayley and her music company boss husband, Bob, 57, from Padstow, Cornwall, who also have another daughter, Mia, 7, did not expect their second child would be born anything but healthy.
'Apart from some morning sickness, the pregnancy was totally normal,' recalls Hayley, who has had five miscarriages, 'a scan at three months did pick up an unusual thickness in Natty’s neck and we were told this could be a sign of Down’s.
But the chance of Natty being Downs was given as 300 to one, which wasn’t enough to go for further tests such as an amnioscentesis.
Jumping for joy: Little Natty's enthusiasm is infectious and has turned her into a sought-after child model
'And as everything else was fine, we didn’t give it any further thoughts.'
The couple even chose a home birth.
'It was beautifully calm. I was in the bath and the midwives only arrived shortly before,' says Mrs Goleniowski.
But as soon as 6Ib Natalia was born, alarm bells rang.
'Natty was blue and not breathing. It was terrifying. We knew something was terribly wrong when the midwife went into full emergency mode and gave Natty the kiss of life.'
An ambulance was called and the pair were rushed to Truro’s Trelisk hospital.
There, as her mother lay in shock in a side room, medical staff desperately fought to save Natalia’s life.
It was four hours later before a consultant came in and gave the couple the news their daughter was not only critically ill – but had Downs Syndrome.
Hayley Goleniowski said: 'When Natty was born we didn¿t know if she would live, let alone if she would walk or talk properly. So this is a dream come true'
'His actual words were a blur,' says Mrs Goleniowski, 'I was so stunned. Bob was fantastic – he immediately said, "well, she’s our baby and we’ll love her anyway," and Mia adored her from the start. But I was numb.
'It sounds awful now. But I didn’t even want to see her. It was such a nightmare - I just wanted to go home and forget I’d had a baby.'
Things didn’t improve when she got to see Natalia.
'I just looked at her in an incubator and thought, "you’re not pretty. You don’t even look like my baby". I felt as if I’d produced an alien.'
Doctors warned them Natalia had two holes in her heart and the next few days would be critical.
Says Mrs Goleniowski: 'We even had Natty christened in hospital.'
Brave little girl: Natty tries out swimming with dolphins
That night the couple went home. But it was when they returned the next morning that mum and daughter began to bond.
'By then I wanted her to live. I suddenly looked at her, lying there amongst bleeping tubes and felt a rush of love. I longed for her to live.'
Thankfully after three weeks the couple were able to bring Natalia home.
'But no-one could tell us whether she would walk or even talk properly,' says her mother, 'and she was constantly ill. We were in and out of hospital with pneumonia and she was constantly on antibiotics.
Gradually, however – and with intense physiotherapy to help strengthen her limbs – Natalia grew stronger.
'I’ll never forget the day she first sat up by herself. She was ten months and that felt an amazing achievement.'
Sleeping beauty: The five-year-old takes a well-deserved nap after playing on the beach
At a year Natalia stunned everyone when she spoke her first word – Teddy. And at twenty months she took her first wobbly steps.
Age two she underwent heart surgery to seal the holes in her heart. And from then on she came on leaps and bounds.
'She had so much energy and developed such a little personality.'
Then when Natalia was four and the family were on holiday in Jamaica, they were approached by a photographer.
'She was also on holiday and she asked if she could take some photos of Natty. She was amazed at how photogenic Natty was. Meanwhile, we couldn’t believe how much Natty adored posing for the camera. She loved it.'
In September Natalia reached another milestone the family never thought possible – she started mainstream school.

Welcome home! Natty's mother, Hayley, initially struggled to bond with her daughter, but big sister Mia (pictured) was always a fan
At the same time Hayley read about a boy with Down's Syndrome in the US who is now a sought after model.
'I decided to write to a couple of clothing companies with a snap of Natty. I never thought anything would come of it. But incredibly both of them immediately emailed back inviting Natty to an audition.'
Kurt Jewson co-founder of children’s organic clothing company Frugi says: 'We immediately felt Natty had model potential and are now looking forward to featuring her in our next catalogue and online.'
Since then her proud mum has received interest from several other organisations – including holiday companies – requesting to see Natalia for modelling work.
She says: 'We are all so proud of Natty. She does shine and it’s wonderful that others see what we do in her.'
By Nadia Mendoza
Most A-list mothers are busy churning out carbon copies of mini-mes to become the next generation of the Hollywood elite (ahem, Katie Holmes).
But Thandie Newton is determined to set her daughters an example.
The Run Fatboy Run actress revealed she decided to stop straightening her hair in a bid to discourage Ripley and Nico from feeling insecure about their natural curls.

Natural: Thandie Newton looks striking at the Sadler's Wells fundraising gala
Yesterday, the mother-of-two attended a fundraising gala at the Sadler's Wells Theatre in Clerkenwell, London, looking ravishing with a headful of shiny curls
As her voluminous hair spilled over her shoulders, Thandie looked effortlessly younger than her years posing with Gillian Anderson in a 'Girl' T-shirt.
Earlier this month, Thandie told longtime friend and make-up artist Kay Montano: 'I didn’t want my daughters to judge their beautiful curls.'
Binning the straighteners: Thandie has been altering her natural style for a long time, seen here at a black tie ball in May 2010 and the Elle Style Awards in 2006
The British star, 39, said she stopped using chemical relaxers typically used by black women to straighten their locks after seeing comic Chris Rock's documentary film Good Hair.
The movie enlightened her to the fact that the products contain enough of the corrosive substance Lye - more commonly known as caustic soda - to dissolve a Coke can.
She added: 'The stigma with some black women seems to be that "nappy hair" (natural afro hair) is almost as bad as loo roll trailing from your shoe.
Setting a good example: Thandie doesn't want daughters, 11-year-old Ripley and Nico, seven, to feel insecure about their hair
'I've always let my daughter’s hair be wild and scruffy... when they were papped in the States I had remarks about how I don’t take care of their hair. The truth is I choose to keep it that way.
'When I see hair that’s been pulled, stretched, brushed till bullet smooth I just think "ouch". I have my limits mind, sometimes I have to beg Nico to let me tidy it up for fear of her looking like she’s been neglected!'
The Londoner also said her own mother suffered at the hands of prejudice when Thandie's convent school refused to allow her in a group snapshot.
Au naturale: Viola Davis at the Oscars on Sunday and days earlier at the NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles
The nuns were said to be 'appalled' at the braided cornrows, leaving Thandie 'embarrassed' and 'ashamed'.
Thandie said: 'I read this year a piece in The Independent about a student who appealed against not being able to wear his hair in (what the school felt was a hoodlum style) braids, and he won.
'That’s 30 years since the nuns dissed me… This s**t keeps going round.'
The inspiring Viola Davis, 46, drew glances as she sported her natural hair at the Oscars on Sunday evening, looking jaw-dropping in a green gown.
However, sadly The Help beauty missed out on the prize for Best Actress, after Meryl Streep pipped her to the post with her efforts in The Iron Lady.
Viola told InStyle her look came thanks to husband Julius Tennon, revealing: 'He told me, "If you want to wear wigs for your career, that's fine, but in your life wear your hair. Step into who you are."'

Showbiz chums: Thandie poses with her arm around Gillian Anderson
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By Andrea Magrath

Putting her foot down: David Walliams has revealed that his supermodel wife Lara Stone has banned him from any more Sport Relief challenges
She was pictured fighting back tears as she stood at the edge of the Thames last September to welcome her husband back after a gruelling eight-day charity swim.
But Lara Stone, 28, has put her foot down this year, banning David Walliams from taking on any more challenges following last year's swim in aid of Sport Relief.
The Britain's Got Talent judge has revealed that Lara became upset when he told her of plans for a new adventure, given that he is still suffering from injuries and illness he obtained during the Thames swim, he told the Radio Times.
Concern: The model, 26, was pictured in tears as she watched her husband complete his 140-mile swim of the Thames last September
The 40-year-old Little Britain star suffered the parasitic infection giardiasis and still undergoes physiotherapy after injuring a disc in his back during his eight-day charity swim in September last year.
Walliams, who married supermodel Stone in 2010, revealed that he wanted to meet up with his friend, adventurer Bear Grylls during a trip the couple took to New York shortly after the swim, to discuss a new endeavour.
He said: 'It was only scaling a rock face, but Lara got really upset and said no.'
The former Little Britain star told the magazine that his giardiasis, caused by a water-borne parasite, flared up and he had to cancel the meeting anyway.

Relief: In a new documentary, David Walliams' Big Swim, Stone is filmed telling her husband that he will never do anything so dangerous again
Achievement: The swim raised over £1.1million for Sport Relief
The Dutch model spent hours cheering her husband on from a support boat alongside him.
'I didn’t like to see her upset, but it was great having her support. She actually had her driving test on the day I got ill, so she heard it on the radio and was doubly upset she hadn’t been there to look after me,' he told the magazine. 'But she passed – first time. I passed third time, so she holds that over me.'
In an interview that took place during his swim last year, Lara admitted that she'd tried to talk her husband out of the challenge, 'But anyone who has ever met David knows it was not option,' she said.
'He loves doing these things and he wants to do it for all the little kids he met in Kenya when he went there. He absolutely fell in love with them, so I didn't want to talk him out of it anymore.'

Day job: The funnyman tweeted a picture from the set of filming a Britain's Got Talent promo this week
In between his injured disc and the parasite infection, the funnyman was also forced to shelve plans to swim in just trunks when the water temperature was three degrees lower than expected.

'I thought people would think it was too easy if I wore a wetsuit. It’s one man, swimming trunks, hat, goggles – I thought that would be more impactful.' But despite being disappointed, David adds: 'Cold water is just not a very safe environment to be in.'
Of his illness, he adds: 'In retrospect it was good it happened – I think it made more people interested because suddenly there was jeopardy. A sense that ‘he might not make it’. And more and more people came out to see me.'
David's 140-mile swim raised over £1.1million for Sport Relief, following his previous challenges of cycling the length of the UK in 2010, swimming the Strait of Gibraltar in 2008 and swimming the English Channel in 2006.
And while he may not be jumping back in the water any time soon, the comic is promoting his documentary, David Walliams’ Big Swim, in between shooting Britain's Got Talent, the sales of which will also go towards Sport Relief.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
11:33 PM
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Carol Vorderman
By Liz Thomas

The best year of my life: Carol Vorderman began 2011 as a size 10 (left), but is now a size 12 (right)
Turning 50 may have given her a new lease of life but Carol Vorderman has confessed it has come at a price – her slim figure.
The star admitted she has put on weight because she has been having such a good time socialising in the year since her milestone birthday.
Miss Vorderman, now 51, had prided herself on her hourglass size 10 figure but has revealed she has gone up a dress size because of her hectic social life.
‘My problem is that I’ve been socialising quite a lot with friends recently,’ she told Woman & Home magazine.
‘When I get tired, I start eating things that I wouldn’t normally crave, like biscuits, because they’ll give me a bit of energy to keep going.
‘I haven’t weighed myself for 12 years, but I know from my clothes I’ve gone up a dress size.
‘It’s so easy to do – and I don’t regret it because I’ve been having a great time! But I do know it’s time to take myself in hand now.’
The TV presenter added that turning 50 had changed her outlook on life and is now having more fun.

To hell with the extra weight: Miss Vorderman has decided to have more fun since turning 50
Family time: Carol on her 50th with her mother Jean Davies and children Katie and Cameron
She also told how she was happy living the single life and - after two divorces - doubted she would ever marry again.
She explained: ‘Since I turned 50, I’ve had the best year of my life and I now throw as much effort into the social side of my life as I do work – more so now than ever before.’
Miss Vorderman, who has two children Katie, 20, and Cameron, 15, underwent a detox in a bid to get back to her old size.

Holding back the years: The former Countdown star admitted she was thinking about having cosmetic surgery
Screen star: Miss Vorderman is now co-anchor of ITV lunchtime show Loose Women
She also confessed she was considering cosmetic surgery and is getting laser eye surgery because she is fed up with wearing glasses.
‘I’m planning a little rejuvenation for myself this year,’ she said. ‘I want to fix the things that need fixing. I’m quite lazy, but I do want to get fit and start going to the gym.
‘I’m a bit frightened of the idea of a full facelift because, when you look in the mirror, you want to look like yourself.
But I’ll get little things done; I might have an eyelift if I feel I need one in the future, and the lasers that smooth your skin – I’m comfortable with the idea of trying all that.’
‘There are machines that can get rid of your cellulite, so I want to do that. And my friend has just had a machine that has worked on her neck and tightened the elasticity of the skin. You just need a day off work afterwards, so I’m thinking, why not?’
Miss Vorderman’s weight has yo-yoed over the years.
While she had a slim size eight figure when she was in her teens and early twenties, she ballooned to a size 16 during the late 1980s and 1990s.
She then slimmed down to a size 10 in 2003 and became a poster girl for the mid-life makeover.
Miss Vorderman produced a number of weight loss aids including work out videos and detox plans.
Two years ago she revealed she abandoned HRT after it caused her to pile on the pounds within a week of starting the treatment.
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Alex Reid
Chantelle Houghton
By Alanah Eriksen

Coming along nicely! Chantelle Houghton shows off her burgeoning belly with fiancé Alex Reid
They're not known for their reservedness, but Chantelle Houghton and Alex Reid may have taken things a bit too far in their latest interview.
The cagefighter has revealed that he wants to drink his pregnant fiancée's breast milk when she gives birth to their daughter in June.
The couple reportedly could not keep their hands off one another during the photoshoot - in which the glamour model showed off her burgeoning belly - with Alex grabbing her cleavage in between shots and wondering aloud what sex would be like with her after she gives birth.
The model also revealed some very intimate details about their current love life.
Chantelle was asked if she would breastfeed the new baby.
Before she had a chance to answer, Alex jumped in to say: 'I definitely will! 100 per cent. Breast milk has a lot of colostrum in it, which is great for athletes.'
When she told him it wasn't for him, he added to New! magazine: 'I’m going to try it!'
Shotgun wedding? Chantelle and Alex view dresses at The National Wedding Show at London's Olympia
Chantelle was asked if her bump had slowed down their sex life at all, to which she replied: 'No, not at all! Obviously, you can’t go mental. That’s the only bit that has changed! It’s a bit… nicer.
'I’m going to keep on going [through this pregnancy]. You’ve got to keep your man happy. If not he will go somewhere else!'
Chantelle said she had been eating a lot since falling pregnant, consuming four cakes the night before.
She admitted she hadn't been exercising, and didn't plan on it, although she hadn't noticed any stretch marks yet.
Alex appeared to have ideas about his wife-to-be's post-baby figure, saying: 'We’ve got a plan. She’s going to be in some sexy underwear by my birthday!'
Glowing: Chantelle showed off her growing stomach at the Baby Show at the ExCel Exhibition Centre last week
Chantelle added: 'His birthday is July 21, so it gives me a few weeks! But my mum was back in her jeans after three weeks when she gave birth. Hopefully, I have the same good genes. But I’m in no rush – my priority is that the baby is well looked after.'
Alex added that on Valentine's Day he 'did have a look at the underwear. Not for now, but something to inspire her to get into. But then I thought it wasn’t sensitive.'
The couple found out they were having a girl earlier this month after Chantelle made the doctor write down the sex on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope.
Ambitious: Alex said the couple had a plan to get her into sexy lingerie by his birthday in July, just weeks after she'd given birth
Alex was working so could not accompany her to the appointment so she wanted to wait to find out with him.
When they finally opened it after much deliberation, Chantelle said she was shocked as she was convinced she was having a boy.
'I was so shocked and he didn’t speak for an hour.
'I cried. It was so shocking. I felt like I knew that little boy. When I found out it was a girl, I missed him. It took a while to sink in... we didn’t have a preference. It was just that I had a strong feeling it was a boy. I didn’t expect it.'
The couple also spoke about some of the nasty comments they had endured on Twitter, including from one user who said the baby would have a low IQ.
Last month Alex demanded an apology from The Only Way Is Essex star Joey Essex after he said in an interview that Chantelle 'used to get around a bit'. He said he was still waiting for him to say sorry.
The couple have not yet planned their wedding as Alex said he was still married to Katie Price which was 'pants'.
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By Sarah Bull

Taking the lead: Angelina Jolie watched proudly as her three-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne strolled along hand-in-hand during a shopping trip in Beverly Hills yesterday
As the mother of six young children, Angelina Jolie can often find that she has her hands full when she goes out with her brood.
But as the 36-year-old actress stepped out with three-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne yesterday, she could breathe a sigh of relief as the pair behaved themselves impeccably.
The pair skipped along hand-in-hand just in front of their mother as she took them out along with partner Brad Pitt's mother Jane in Beverly Hills yesterday afternoon.

Super cute: While Knox looked like a little Brad Pitt in his all-black outfit and mini leather jacket, Vivienne went for a more girly appearance in a white floaty skirt and pink sparkly pumps
Angelina watched proudly as Knox and Vivienne confidently took the lead as the group walked along the street.
And the duo looked entirely adorable in their outfits, with little Knox looking the spitting image of his famous father in his all-black outfit with matching mini leather jacket.
Meanwhile, Vivienne opted for a much more girly look in a floaty white skirt teamed with sparkly pink pumps.
Smiles all round: Angelina and the children, who were joined by Brad's mother Jane, all looked in good spirits
Angelina opted for a classically chic outfit in a pair of black trousers, knee-high boots and a cream silk shirt with a matching black cardigan.
While Angelina's long-term partner Brad was missing from the shopping trip, the pair had their grandmother Jane accompany them instead.
It has been a busy few days for Angelina and Brad, who attended the Oscars together on Sunday night.

Cute: Little Vivienne couldn't stop giggling as her mother cuddled her while picking her up out of the car
What's so funny? Vivienne appeared particularly taken with her mother's famous pout as the family spent time together
But while their parents, and particularly Angelina's right leg, took centre stage at the ceremony, the actress admitted that it was unlikely that their children would be watching.
She told E!: 'We don’t really let them watch these things. They don’t really know about them actually. We say we have to go to work tonight – they said "Hurry home".'
Also at the ceremony, Angelina revealed that she and Brad were considering working on another film together, following the success of their 2005 movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith - the film on which they met.

Little man: While Angelina carried Vivienne, Knox looked much more independent

Classically chic: Angelina looked effortlessly stylish in a pair of black trousers, knee-high boots and a cream silk shirt with a black cardigan
However, Angelina admitted it was unlikely she and Brad would be starring in another comedy.
She said: 'We're talking about it. We have an idea. But we don't know how funny we are. And you never know what you want to see an actual couple do.
'Sometimes it's better if they're not a couple.'
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By Laura Schreffler
It's been said that looking good is the best revenge, and Katy Perry is living proof of that statement.
Though her ex-husband has just stepped out with his new girlfriend just two months after they announced their divorce, he might be regretting his decision yet.
The pop star is virtually unrecognisable yet absolutely stunning in a sexy new photo shoot for the March issue of Interview magazine.

You gave THIS up, Russell Brand? An unrecognisable Katy Perry smoulders and stuns in a sexy new photo shoot
Though the 27-year-old has a fabulous figure, she's better known for being quirky than seductive.
She shows a different side of herself on the Interview cover with thick, winged black eyeliner, pale lips and teased, bedhead hair.
She appears to be wearing nothing more than a studded, sequinned bra, long, black gloves and chandelier earrings.
Blue babe: The 27-year-old singer attended Elton John's annual Oscar viewing party last night
This new look might be indicative of the singer's current state of mind: she's bold, brave and nothing is going to break her.
She recently released the single 'Part of Me', a breakup anthem which is currently topping the Billboard charts.
A sample of the lyrics include: 'This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, throw your bombs and your blows but you're not gonna break my soul.'

Katy and a man: The pop singer cosies up to the fabulous and flamboyant Elton John

Different looks: From demure in 2009 to candy floss in 2011, Katy Perry is constantly changing her style
Happier days: Russell Brand and Katy Perry last year
She's going to need to rely on that same inner strength even more intensely now that her ex-husband has finally been photographed with his new girlfriend.
While she was busy attending Elton John's annual Oscar viewing party yesterday, Brand was snapped out in West Hollywood with a new mystery woman.
The new couple were seen leaving the Crystalarium shop, which specialises in selling crystals, minerals and crystals.
He announced he was divorcing Perry in December; the two signed divorce documents earlier this month.

Russell's new girl: Katy's ex and his new mystery lady, stepped out in West Hollywood yesterday
By J J Anisiobi

Getting better: Lauren Pope recovered in hospital after having her PIP implants removed on last night's TOWIE
In January she admitted that she was terrified after discovering that she was among the 40,000 women who had been given PIP implants.
But, she was even more scared of having to go under the knife to have the possibly faulty implants removed.
However, Lauren Pope was seen recovering in hospital with two new additions safely installed on last night's episode of TOWIE.
The 28-year-old glamour model appeared tired and out of sorts as best friends Lauren Goodger and Chloe Sims dropped by to check on how she was doing.
It didn't take long for the DJ to join in the banter and get back to her old self as she commented on how attractive her doctor was.
Dr Mario inquired about the patients health and explained to her that she had 'a little bit more volume, fullness and cleavage.. perfect.'

Bosom buddy: The glamour model was happy with her new implants but had been scared before the operation
The three musketeers: Lauren Goodger and Chloe Sims visited their friend to see how she was getting on
After he left the private room, Pope said excitedly to her mates: 'How mad is it that a hot guy has literally cut me open?'
Lauren, who has recently launched her own clothing line, had been criticised on Twitter for appearing on the ITV2 show without her usual amount of fake tan and make-up.
She defended herself, however, and said: 'After continuously throwing up and crying it wasnt the most important thing on my mind but cheers for the comment.'
Dr handsome: Lauren commented to her friends about how good looking her cosmetic surgeon was
The reality TV star also took time to thank her followers for the many well wishes she had received.
She said: 'Thx 4 all msgs, I have had my PIP's removed n am so happy with the results. Big thx to @MYA_Tweet n Dr Russo, relax time 4 me now this wk!'
Although she was initially afraid of having the operation Lauren took the opportunity to slightly increase her bust size.
Time to recover: Lauren thanked her followers on Twitter for their support and said that she would be resting for the rest of the week
She explained earlier this month: 'They do tell you you might have to have another boob job after 15 or 20 years just for safety reasons, but I always said that I would never have it done again, I'd rather let them rot inside me, I do not want to go through that again.
'So I thought, "Oh my god, I'm going to have to have it done again", but then my next thought was, and this probably sounds really bad, that I could actually get a new pair of bigger boobs.'

Glamour girl: Lauren made a career as a model with her old set of breast implants